ValiDE Handbook 2025
ValiDE Handbook v1 - draft collection
In order to share our first results with the community of practice, we have created drafts of our project results. We will compile these in a first version of the ValiDE handbook v1 by the summer 2024. We are looking forward to publishing the ValiDE handbook and other results on EPALE. You can already find our first blog posts for discussion here.
Abstract Project Result/ 01
To catch a glimpse of our Project Result 01, which involves identifying the specific needs and requirements for value education in both, teacher education and schools, you can explore the abstract of our article available now.
Poster ECER 2023
The presented poster from the ValiDE team at ECER 2023 is now available. It covers our exchange program titled "Values in Democracy Education - Integrating a Joint Study Program in Teacher Education to Foster Teacher Students' Competencies and Beliefs".
ValiDE Travelbooks
The travel books offer a first insight into the project result 04, which is about the development of our study course. our centrepiece is the three-week exchange. In addition to the preparation in an online course, in which the students get to know each other and work together on initial topics, the travel books give them a rough summary and idea of what to expect. Students will find the detailed workshop content in a weekly plan with their tasks and weekly goals.